So lately Ive been trying different things out on my hair, and heres what Ive got to say about it all...
Mixed Chicks Leave In Conditioner...

I was so excited when I saw the site, I thought to myself Yesssss finally. However, after I got it...I thought otherwise. It dried my hair out :( I think I know why it did though, my hair doesnt react to well to wheat protein, it drys my hair out so bad no matter what its in!! So I now have two whole bottles of Mixed Chicks, and I cant use either one!!
100% Unrefined Shea Butter..

AMAZING, I love this stuff on my hair!!! I put it in at night normally it conditions my hair so well!! It leaves it soooo soft!!! However..I have yet to wear my hair down and curly with the shea butter, Im still waiting to do that. Ive been wearing my hair in a big ballet type bun to keep my ends protected, so using the Shea Butter for this has been awesome. It also has been amazing on my skin, including my lips and face. Im def gonna stay stocked on on this one.
Organic Virgin Coconut Oil....

Another new love of mine. It makes my hair extremely shiny, I only used it in my hair once, mixed with the shea butter. Im not to sure what I thought about that..It wouldnt of been good for wearing my hair down, it was really thick like that. I put it on while my hair was dry though so I have yet to put it in while my hair is wet. Ill update after I try that out. HOWEVER!!! I love using this as a face moisturizer. My skin cleared up instantly, my pores even look way smaller!! I have no clue what this stuff is doing but whatever it is im using it relgiously now on my face and body. It does not leave it greasy or oily, not at all. Hair yes, Skin no.
Teri's Routine ( ..
Shes a mixed chick with hair very similar to mine, so I was stoked when I found her website, I have been using her routine on the site, Ive been doing my hair exactly like I read on her site and so far, that has been working out awesome as well. However I know not to many people can leave a non leave in conditioner in their hair and have it work out well. I can though. It worked awesome my curls have never been better. They arent weighed down, they are perfect curls, they arent dried out at all. So besides me trying out different organic oils and butters for homemade remedys her routine is going to be my main one. Check out her site, her hair is B E A U TIFUL so for her to have hair as long and gorgeous as she does, what shes doing has to work.
If you have any tips, products, or routines hit me up!!! Let me know about them so I can try them out!!
Hi there Curly Girlie,
Thank you so much for your mention on your great blog! I'm looking forward to reading more of your hair journey. (And I can't get over that guy making the comment about you needing a relaxer. Some kids just don't know any better)
Hiya! I am with you on the Mixed Chicks thing - I liked it at first but soon fell out of love because it leaves my hair really dry after a while. I do like the curl definition, but I don't like the crunchiness and eventual dryness.
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